Thursday 20 February 2014

20th Anniversary PsySSA Congress: Celebration and Critical Reflections

In 2014, South Africa celebrates its 20th anniversary of being a constitutional democracy built on, among others, the principles of equality, human rights and non-discrimination. The significance of this year is further underlined by the fact that it also marks the 20th anniversary of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA).

Psychology as a science, a profession and a practice has made enormous contributions to South Africa and the lives and well-being of its diverse people over the last two decades. The 20th Annual South African Psychology Congress, to be hosted in Durban in September 2014, should therefore serve as a platform for celebration and a launch-pad for increasing the visibility of the wealth of contributions by academics, researchers and practitioners. In addition, the occasion will usher in a new chapter for global psychology with the official launch of the Pan-African Psychology Union.

Congratulations are definitely in order. Such significant milestones, however, also lend themselves to critical
reflection. During the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) in Cape Town in July 2012, a range of thought leaders stated that psychology must more significantly contribute to moving our society to where it ought to or could be. Specifically, they argue, the discipline has a critical role to play in policy development and planning, advocacy, education, training, research and publication, evaluation and assessment and other forms of intervention design and implementation in clinical, counseling, educational, work, academic and a range of other contexts.

This argument should give us pause to question: is the voice of our profession sufficiently audible in such
contexts? How can PsySSA further advance psychology as a science, a profession and as a means of promoting human well-being? How can the contribution of psychology professionals and the discipline itself be optimised in responding to the many pressing psycho-social challenges of the country in its role as a catalyst for the development and empowerment of individuals and communities in South Africa, Africa and the world?

You are hereby invited to submit abstracts for oral, symposia and poster presentations relevant to the focus on celebration and critical reflection at:

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